Officially, the first bike session of this years tour took place on Saturday afternoon with a slow and steady wind through the afternoon traffic of Paris to the Eiffel Tower for some photo opportunities.
Upon arrival at the Tower, we were immediately approach by a group of women asking us questions about where we're from etc. It transpired that they were at the Tower awaiting the arrival of a cycling group riding from London to Paris to raise funds for Alzheimer's Disease. They were meeting their husbands who were part of a 70 cyclist group and they assumed we were the leading group (naturally).
They were very interested in what we were doing.
We also were approached by several other individuals asking about our jerseys and two ladies from Atlanta Georgia engaged two of us in a longer conversation which included discussion about the time one of them spent in Brisbane in 2000.
Photos taken, we moved off and wound our way back to the hotel .
The impact our appearance was having was remarkable and it seems out tour jerseys are really quite striking.
We experienced applause from bystanders, high fives from pedestrians and questions at the majority of red lights we stopped at. And Paris must be the worlds capital of traffic lights.
We then changed, "did beers" and dined at the Pyrenees Restaurant where we were joined by a local who is a business associate of Mick's. It was wonderful having a local join us and he spent most of the night fielding our many questions.
It was back to our rooms then to prepare for the big day today.
The 2006 tour by Brisbane's finest commenced with a parade down the Champs-Elysees and two laps of the Arc de Triomphe. We considered this worth replicating and as such, to give birth to a tradition.
We assembled at 7 am ready to roll and Ern decided that a flat rear tyre was immediately in order. This was repaired and we were away.
Our two laps of the Arc completed, and Ern 'flated' again.
We started to make our way out of Paris via a quick breakfast stop and quickly discovered two things:
1. There are few similarities between road maps and actual roads.
2. There a few reasonable road signs
3. The traffic lights of Paris are frustrating
4 It is unlikely a road that ran East yesterday, was now running west.
It was a struggle and one made all the more so when we found ourselves on a 130 kph "A road" (but not before Ern again punctured)
This was a very scary 30 minutes or more and we only pulled off after nearly losing Craig in an "almost fall". It is a mystery how he kept the Cannondale upright.
We pulled off and ended up being helped by a local group of masters cyclist out for a training ride who helped us get back on to our intended route. ( see Route Map page of this blog).
We clocked 155 kilometers to Epernay in a most wonderful day. It was also a physically demanding day.
The scenery, roads, courtesy of drivers and warmth of weather coupled with the interest many locals showed in us to all provide us with a most special experience.
Mandatory evening beers on arrival were enjoyed by a happy, tired and very excited group and this continued over dinner, where of course we sampled the famed local produce. Epernay is after all, the centre of the universe when it comes to champagne.
A great day was had by all.
Tomorrow is as short day in the saddle followed by a train transfer to Switzerland.
(apologies for spelling etc - it is late)